Item 5 of 10

Indonesia - Sumatra Gayo

€ 8,99 (including VAT)
Specification Description
Origin Indonesia
Regio Sumatra
Producer Permata Gayo Cooperative
Hoogte 900 - 2400m
Variety USDA, Typica, Gunung Blaw
Processing Method Washed
Geschikte zetmethode Espresso & FIlter
Smaakprofiel light acidity and a herbal touch. Notes of cedar wood and brazil nut.

The district of Central Aceh – located in the heart of the Special Territory of the Province of Aceh, with an average temperature hovering around 20 degrees Celsius throughout the year, an abundant rainfall and well endowed with fertile soils – is an ideal place for agriculture. These favourable climatological conditions have since long been exploited by Central Aceh’s population by growing coffee – its main source of income. The yearly production of an average 25.000 ton of clean coffee from an area of some 32.750 hectares proves that the epithet of Central Aceh being a “coffee granary” is justified. About 85% of the coffee production concerns Arabica. This makes Central Aceh not only the biggest producer of Arabica coffee of Indonesia, but of Southeast Asia as well. In addition to coffee, the conditions are also favourable for the cultivation of tobacco, sugarcane, tea, cloves, fruits, vegetables and various bean crops. Over the years these crops have provided a decent living to most of Central Aceh’s inhabitants

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